How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently

You have a facebook account? Do you want to delete it? Permanently? Why? I don't know the reason, but if you want to do that, it's your right. Someone may be bored to do something in facebook, in something that does't real. Everyone has a right to have a facebook account, and they have right to delete it. In some cases, you may be have a problem in facebook, with your girlfriend may be.
Facebook provides account deletion. Someone won't live forever, someone have to face the death, someone won't have facebook account forever. We have right about our document in internet. If we don't want to share it with public, we have full right on it. We can delete, share, or create our document in a social networking like facebook. I think all of social networking have their recpect to their user. It's something that provider must do.
This is step by step how to delete your account in facebook permanently :
  • Login to your Facebook.
  • Follow this link, and you will find a confirmation to delete your account. Click Delete My Account.
Click Delete My Account
Delete My Account
  • When you have clicked it, you will find a confirmation box. You must enter your password and captcha there.
Enter Your Password
Confirmation Box
  • Then, you must click Delete My Account once more to complete your request.
Permanently Delete Account
Permanently Delete Account
It will be processed as long as 14 days, then your account will be really deleted. It is easy, isn't it?

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